Fee Discounts & Earn Boosts
Having a certain threshold of vePT will grant users Phemex VIP privileges and corresponding trading fee discounts. vePT holders can also obtain interest rate boosts for Phemex Earn products as well as lower costs of borrowing for Margin Trading. vePT holders also enjoy a 30% discount on USDT borrowing rates when using the Phemex Lending Protocol. The specific terms of these benefits are subject to decentralized decision-making by the PhemexDAO.
Users who achieve VIP privileges through their vePT holdings will also receive monthly airdrops of USDT by making fiat deposits or buying crypto on Phemex. Higher VIP levels are eligible to receive more frequent airdrops every month based on their deposits and buy crypto transactions.
vePT Balance
VIP Privilege
Contract Trading Fee
Maker / Taker
Spot Trading Fee Maker / Taker
VIP level 0
0.01% / 0.06%
0.1% / 0.1%
VIP level 1
0.01% / 0.055%
0.09% / 0.1%
VIP level 2
0.0055% / 0.05%
0.05% / 0.07%
VIP level 3
0.0045% / 0.045%
0.045% / 0.065%
VIP level 4
0.002% / 0.04%
0.04% / 0.06%
VIP level 5
0.001% / 0.0375%
0.035% / 0.055%
Last updated